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David Andree, Josh Mason, Jonathan Kaiser, Nathan McLaughlin, John Marks, Casey Deming, and Ryan Potts (Aquarelle),
An Overture in Seven Parts

Image courtesy the artist.

Image courtesy the artist.

Image courtesy the artist.


An Overture in Seven Parts

An Overture in Seven Parts is a long-form continuous sound composition that will be created in real time by a collective of seven different artists recording layered accompaniment onto the same pair of asynchronous tape loops. In a secondary room, there will be a multi-channel sound installation playing back an evolving combination of recorded samples that will be captured at regular intervals throughout the performance. Viewers will be able to move between the two rooms to either experience the larger composition unfolding in real time or walk around and in between the preserved previous moments of the sound piece.

The primary composition will rise out of the surrounding landscape by weaving atmospheres out of superimposed locally gathered field recordings which will then be manipulated and built on with various instrumentation. As the evolving composition is handed-off to each subsequent artist, they will respond with their own additions and approach. This will both renew the soundscape and simultaneously degrade the sounds previously committed to the decaying tape loops that are continuously being worn away. The composition will close by reweaving the samples taken from all the artists throughout the performance into further iterations and new configurations.


9pm Part 1, David Andree – Acoustic guitar, violin, objects, location recordings, electronics, tape loops

10pm Part 2, Josh Mason – Music box, electronics, cassette tapes, found objects, amplified surfaces

11pm Part 3, Jonathan Kaiser – Cello

12pm Part 4, Nathan McLaughlin – Guitar, electronics

1am Part 5, John Marks – Modular Synthesizer, tape

2am Part 6, Casey Deming – Tape

3am Part 7, Ryan Potts (Aquarelle) – Feedback, sine waves, guitar, electronics

4am A Revisiting / A Location of New Forms, David Andree – recordings recalling the previous seven parts, electronics, modified tape machines.


David Andree is an artist whose work explores notions of landscape, transition and entropy through approaches in painting, drawing, sculpture and sound. Check him out out online: BlogTwitterVimeo, and Soundcloud.

Josh Mason – Facebook, Soundcloud

Jonathan Kaiser – Twitter + Instagram: @otherkaiser

Nathan McLaughlin – Twitter, Blog, Soundcloud

John Marks – Blog, Vimeo, Soundcloud

Casey Deming – Soundcloud, Instagram @caseydeming

Ryan Potts – Blog, Twitter @aquarellemusic, Bandcamp