The Dark Room
The project is an exploration of the vastness of story and its ever-changing nature—through the theory of the multiverse. That’s a little abstract. What it is on the ground is a hydra-head of stories sourced by 100+ writers over the course of a few months using the Revolver prompt method we’ve refined over the past two years. Branching, tangling story structures cover the walls of a gallery room and are printed in black light ink. Participants enter one end of the dark room with a small black light flashlight and begin to follow the story through the space. Picture an intrepid anthropologist illuminating cave drawings. Think of an archaeologist holding a lantern to glowing hieroglyphics. Participants can follow one story until it branches or choose places to shine their light at random.
Revolver is a literary arts organization that exists to transform process, (a)rouse creators, and provide engaged audiences for narrative-based artists.
Revolver team: Luke Finsaas, Ross Nervig, Lara Blackwood Avery, Thorwald Esbensen, Marcus Anthony Downs, Esther Porter, Alexander Helmke, Brennan Stavem, and Seth Berg.